T3XTURE No.4: The Edge of Edge
Edited by Sovich, Lynda Burke, and Craig Purcell
For this issue, T3XTURE collaborated with the Baltimore AIA and the Baltimore Architectural Foundation to organize a series of presentations and a competition to promote fresh thinking about edge specifically addressing the Baltimore Waterfront. In 2015, Baltimore’s Waterfront Partnership’s Healthy Harbor Initiative set a goal of a swimmable and fishable Inner Harbor by the year 2020. We asked, How might the edge of the harbor change?
We invited a diverse group of thinkers: philosopher, environmentalist, ornamentalist, an ecological engineer, architect, landscape architects, educators, authors, and geographer, to address our questions about the future of Baltimore’s edge. In the spirit of the Sun Magazine article, we also invited Maryland architects to present visions of a swimmable, fishable Inner Harbor.
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